Social Media Book Tag

by - October 24, 2014

One thing you'll notice in this blog is that I'll be publishing tag games. This book tag is extremely popular on Youtube. If you go to Youtube, just search for "Social Media Book Tag". The tag will list some popular social media sites and you will be asked to relate them to books you've read. Here are my answers:
Favorite short book
The Little Prince

Come on! This little one is a classic! I never really understood the hype of this book until I got myself two copies, bought at different times, because I completely forgot I had the book already. Tsk tsk..
A book that everybody pressured you to read

The Casual Vacancy by  JK Rowling

Everybody was writing and commenting about how excited they were about the upcoming JK Rowling book. As I was one of those who refused to read the Harry Potter series, I decided to get into the challenge of reading a JK Rowling book. Partly because, the book wasn’t set to be a series. So, I did and I regretted it.
A book you read before it was cool

The Giver

I don’t remember how I got the copy of The Giver. Sadly, it’s no longer with me. It was given away to friends at a time when I had to minimise and organise the book shelf. It has such a positive message. I remember writing a post about it back in 2007. I was contemplating a place or world where we all don’t have any right to decide, to choose, to be at all.
A book you don't remember whether you liked it or not
Aleph by Paulo Coelho

That was a bit hard to write in because I’m a fan to most of his works. But, I did remember loving some little scripts in the book but over all, I’m not sure what it does for me. It’s so weird to say that about a book and I consider myself a fan of Paulo's books. Sorry!
A book that was so beautiful you had to Instagram
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho 25th Anniversary Edition

This may not be the most beautiful book cover in history. I’m very partial to this book because it’s one of my favourites of all time.
A book you wish would be turned into a movie
Goodnight Tweetheart

This is going to be just one of those feel good, romantic film set in an era that is very relevant in this day and age, Social Media. “We Got Mail” movie with Meg Ryan needs an update. LOL!
A book that you would recommend to everyone
The Secret Letters Of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

If you think about how we are all caught up with existence in this world, materialism and money, you might be right. There was a time where we existed without this things and pressures in life. How hard can it be to go back to basics? Not hard at all. Read the book and it will remind you what’s really important in life!

Hope you enjoyed! If you made a blog post on this tag, please leave me a comment with the link. I'd be happy to read your version.

Check out my books on Goodreads: @Audrey82 and link up with me. Take care!

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