Most Memorable Sophie Kinsella Books

by - November 04, 2017

I was first drawn to Sophie Kinsella book because of the colors. It was at a time when Sophie Kinsella wasn't as well known in the country. After reading a few of her books, I can share with you my favorite Kinsella books of all time.

Confessions of a Shopaholic

There's nothing like the first book. It was a great first read and introduction to the writer Sophie Kinsella. I was reading this at a time that I was already enjoying my first high-paying job and dreaming of living the life like Carrie Bradshaw (the fashion, quaint brunch, coffee and lunch restaurants only, please). And yes, credit cards. Tsk tsk..

Can You Keep A Secret

That was probably the most funny, laugh out loud book I've read of hers. Emma was one hot mess. I don't think I could live that down if I was her, embarrassing yourself like that to someone who turns out to be your boss. There goes my professional image. Tons of laugh out loud moments.

I've Got Your Number

This book reminded me of Bridget Jones. It was interesting to use the handheld device at a time when everyone could not live without it. It is indeed scary to have your phone falling in the hands of a wrong person. But, Poppy was adorable about it. I can't help saying to myself that Poppy should really leave this Magnus guy, her fiance. I don't want to be in that kind of situation. Glad she had it figured out at the end of the book.

What's your number one favorite Sophie Kinsella book?

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