Weight Loss Juice with Easy Pha-max Wheatgrass Honey

by - January 13, 2018

One of my favourite healthy drink, while I was in Singapore, was a shot of Wheatgrass. At first, it tasted funny but I got used to it. I thought it was going to be a yucky green juice, but it was slightly sweetened which I like.

Wheatgrass is a green grass full of rich nutrients. It contains high and is the best source of chlorophyll. Wheatgrass nowadays is considered a super food that also aids body detox. Wheatgrass pack tons of benefits known to man. For further information, please read 50 Reasons To Drink Wheatgrass Everday.

A real wheatgrass plant to juice is not that accessible where I’m from. Easy Pha-max Wheatgrass Honey is where I get my dose of wheatgrass and it is in powder form. Each Easy Pha-max Wheatgrass Honey contains 20g of wheatgrass powder.

I pour one sachet to one a glass of cold water with or without ice. I also like to add one wheatgrass sachet to my fruit smoothie.

Easy Pha-max Wheatgrass Honey makes adding greens into the system a whole lot easier. Weight loss juicing is now made extra exotic and special.

Get yours for Php590 per box of 12, here.

Easy Pha-max Wheatgrass with Honey is a Super Food with 13 vitamins, 10 minerals, 17 amino acids and more than 100 enzymes. One sachet of wheatgrass is as nutritionally valuable as 10 kilograms the choicest vegetables! 

Wheatgrass is loaded with antioxidants that keep cells protected and healthy. It promotes regular bowel movement and improves digestion with the use of natural oligosacharides that promote growth of good bacteria in your child’s digestive system.

Wheatgrass has more chlorophyll and alkaline minerals than any other green vegetable, protecting your child from sickness. It aids in their mental and physical development too!

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