Social Media Presence And Building Credibility

by - August 14, 2018

You must be in social media already. If not, it’s not too late. Afraid of getting it wrong? Ask someone to help you out. It is impossible to succeed if you are not on social media.

Traditional media, like print and TV interviews, can only do so much. Embrace traditional media, yes. It is a must to incorporate new media, too.

How do you build credibility on social media as an author? Share what you know, your passion, and personal story.

Share with authority and confidence in an idea. Share tips that worked for you. Share what makes you happy and excited. Share a personal story that your reader can learn from or amuse. But never overshare. Be active, engage, reach out and respond. Most importantly, share often and be consistent.

Your public persona should be a representation of a real person because you are real. Your social media should be alive because you are alive being. Social media is made on the idea that people can connect to one another even if they are far apart.

If you are a blogger, share your blogging journey. What makes you want to blog? What inspires you to blog? Share with your followers what you are up to, a line or two or a quote from your blog.

Credibility is based on your trustworthiness.

Are what you say and share on your website and social media true, authentic and reliable? Are what you share add value or provide a solution to a problem? Are you an expert of an idea that you are writing or sharing about? Can you back it up with stories or proof?

Whether you are blogging, writing a newsletter or sharing on social media, keep these questions in mind and always share good quality work.

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